Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Knot After Heart Cathetization

Injury - or the nails in the fence

A "friend" from the AIM has sent me a memorable link. I copied them and would not deny you the text:

There once was a boy with a difficult character. His father gave him a bag filled with nails and told him to hit every time a nail into the fence when he lost his patience with someone or had fallen in battle.

On the first day the boy 37 nails into the fence. In the following weeks, the boy learned to control himself and the number of nails that he had to beat in the fence was less and less. The boy noticed over time that it was easier to control himself than to hammer nails into the fence. Finally came the first day, when the boy hit a nail in the fence had to.

He went to his father and told him that he had now struck a nail in the fence. The father was pleased at this news and told the boy that he should now pull out of any day on which he could keep his temper under control successfully, another nail in the fence.

Many days passed before the boy could tell his father, that he had pulled out all the nails from the fence. The father then went with his son to the fence and told him:

"My son, you have behaved yourself well lately. But just look how many holes you left in the fence. He will never be the same fence as before. Every time you fight with someone or even insult him to stay back wounds - like the holes in the fence. It's like you Stache someone with a knife. If you pull it out again, each time is a wound that will never heal completely again. And no matter how often you also apologize, the wound will remain as a scar forever.

A wound you with words generate hurts just like a physical wound.


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