Monday, January 31, 2011

Sample Film Treatment Template

gull on the beach

To my dear teammate Steffi for your work as a Stampin Demonstratorin much success, I gave her a small card gebrayert.

The beach and the water resulting in the roll control technology with the Stampin 'stamp pads in the colors of turquoise, ocean blue, chocolate brown and savannah. Then I stamped with turquoise and ocean blue on a delicate flourish of the sea background.

the tree trunk and the gull I've used separately, colored, cut out and glued on. The grasses I have stamped the last with olive green. A few dots and lines with the white gel pen accents and finished as the subject.

The writing is of a Sale-A-Bration set of Stampin 'from the year 2010 "Sweet Sayings" and with black on the sea background used.

The card blank is made of colored cardboard in Savannah. Then glued a layer of vanilla in color box, which I pushed in a Woodgrain Embossing Folder by BigShot. Before I put the color box in the embossing folder, I have applied to the embossed side of the folder with the roller handle a little Savannah ink. This gives the character more depth. Two sites I have worked also with the side wall puncher.

The image is glued onto the card with dimensional. The embellishment is punched out of a navy blue color box, glued and decorated with rhinestones.

but makes the same desire to leave, or not?

your Marion

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sportscraft Arcade Hoops Basketball Game

Marion's Art & Craft Flea Market

My Craft little room is bursting at the seams, so I just got Marion's Art & Craft Flea Market opened . Where I sell craft supplies, which is no longer needed, but one or other of you could prepare a joy. Just take it from time to time after, maybe even something for you here.

the link to the flea market and a photo of the latest article can be found now in the top right corner of the bar. All items I sell privately, they are used in part, but partly also brand new and unused.

questions on the articles you can contact us by email to ask: Have marion.ziske @

Fun digging!

your Marion

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Best Place For Brazilian Wax Gta

increase in hobby Stübchen

A dear friend of mine to build a business and hire decorations for celebrations took over. Her shop is "daisies" and for all the interest, which is due to a party do not like to buy a hundred times the same decorative things that gather dust then subsequently in the basement.

In taking over the business and a card stand was in the process by which the love in the first moment so anything could begin, but then immediately had to think of me. And now this beauty stands as the latest increase in my little room craft.

is fully up, I still tinker many a card. ;-)

safety of the arms for the first time pushed back and forth until it has found its place in the craft little room, but I'm really happy about this exciting card stand.

way: if you can get advice on "daisies", which is also inevitably running into my cards and table accessories that I produce individually upon request for the occasion in the colors and of course in Stampin 'quality.

your Marion

Monday, January 24, 2011

Fish Sticks Joke Quote


Just right for the birthday of my friend from elementary school came today with her my birthday letter. Some time ago I made it again with enthusiasm for the crafts. Therefore, I embroidered her a little scissors fob, and sent her this, together with embroidery scissors to

motif. freebie from embroiderer MB

All the best,
Your Katrin

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pro Start Remote Starter

patchwork socks

My first socks in 2011 were my first patchwork socks and were given the same to a friend for her birthday. She was very happy about it. They settled relatively quickly to knit and it will certainly not have been my last patchwork socks.
Upcoming but right now I will try with jagged patches.

knit for a user manual from the book "The super great sock book.

Best wishes to you all and feel a little down from me!

Monday, January 17, 2011

4n1 Starchoice Converter

Do you remember ... In the heart

... still stick to the first tests of my daughter in November 2010? At some point end November, I saw the stick work is in progress in her room and could not help it .... I had the cute bunnies simply quit. A great deal was no longer embroider. Quick substance in Buttinette ordered and the grandmother has sewn fix a cuddle pillows from them. You can believe me that she has Christmas got the pillow.

Hardly had she unpacked it, I got a complaint: "Mom, on the right, you forgot the border of the stars!"
is actually me in the heat, all gifts to 24.12. ready get it, did not notice.

and a beautiful, creative weeks you wish

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Yonex Nanospeed 9900 Price In Canada


in hand we Manja Forum has once again infected with a mad virus. Many crochet now the heart to the guidance of smartest . There are very beautiful heart arose. Here is my first work.

It's not quite perfect, but it is certainly not my last heart.
Crochet with Polyacrylwolle.

would like at this point I like to welcome my new readers, and you enjoy reading and want to look my blog.

Best wishes and a happy weekend wishes

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Buy Peter Doig Poster

Pimpelliesen away!

My two big girls got for Christmas Pimpelliesen. Even knitting was a lot of fun and when I saw how much the girls have enjoyed it, I was really happy. I was not sure if they like, for scarves and shawls we have enough. But no, the Pimpelliesen look almost every day from under the jackets.

knit two are following this guide from martha spinning. The one with Regia Galaxy Color and the other from micro fiber wool.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Knot After Heart Cathetization

Injury - or the nails in the fence

A "friend" from the AIM has sent me a memorable link. I copied them and would not deny you the text:

There once was a boy with a difficult character. His father gave him a bag filled with nails and told him to hit every time a nail into the fence when he lost his patience with someone or had fallen in battle.

On the first day the boy 37 nails into the fence. In the following weeks, the boy learned to control himself and the number of nails that he had to beat in the fence was less and less. The boy noticed over time that it was easier to control himself than to hammer nails into the fence. Finally came the first day, when the boy hit a nail in the fence had to.

He went to his father and told him that he had now struck a nail in the fence. The father was pleased at this news and told the boy that he should now pull out of any day on which he could keep his temper under control successfully, another nail in the fence.

Many days passed before the boy could tell his father, that he had pulled out all the nails from the fence. The father then went with his son to the fence and told him:

"My son, you have behaved yourself well lately. But just look how many holes you left in the fence. He will never be the same fence as before. Every time you fight with someone or even insult him to stay back wounds - like the holes in the fence. It's like you Stache someone with a knife. If you pull it out again, each time is a wound that will never heal completely again. And no matter how often you also apologize, the wound will remain as a scar forever.

A wound you with words generate hurts just like a physical wound.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

My Hole Body Feels Itchy

My Christmas gift!

Although Christmas is now again some time past, But I still want to show what I was given this time by my mom. Some time ago I saw on the blog of quappwurm this tutorial for a draft stopper. I just say that I find the row of houses very cute and they promptly brought me a small world.

I find them beautiful and very practical!


Friday, January 7, 2011

Dollhouse Game That Came With Old Computer

renaissance dress in green and gold

It should finally be completed in time ...

It still lacks the sleeves, and I've tried a few weeks ago even the plush velvet with silk paper sewing. On good German, it's the same shit ... there is still no magic recipe, except with a lot of cursing * grumble *

I've been wondering about whether I still additional alternative sleeves do, which consist of substantially fewer parts than they slit sleeves in the style of German Renaissance, would I be a little the Italian serve, even if the dress is quite German-fäntelalterlich.

As there still is no single picture of the dress on a living object, I got myself a half hour constricted (petticoat, silk bodice and uiuiuiuiuiiii ... THE hemp rope corset (TM) with Plaquard and robe). Beautiful is something different, I know. There indeed are other photos where you can see from the material anymore, at least you can see in this picture the effect quite well:

What also still to come, is a body shirt instead of the silk waistcoat. You should then be longer, knee or floor-length, also with gold lace. The sleeves have to be exorbitantly far, so they can accordingly hinauspluffen out of every crack. As the material I wanted to take Pongé silk.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sympathy Quotes Of A Sick

AWARD - Dearest Blog

this award I have received in recent days, twice awarded. Once from Conny and once by Ilse . Many thanks to you both!

sharing I want the award to the following blog because I really like this site and I look there every now and then. That's worth a look inside.

love Colette, our love connects to the cats and your Granny I find quite magical.
wool sauce
Kleene Hi, I'm from your needlework thrilled that knit, embroider or crochet.
Dear Nina, past a little angel, I always like to come and I am fascinated by your punch work.

And here are the rules for disclosure:

You have been tagged and to participate are interested in creating a post, adding reinkopierst The Love Blog & the image posting instructions (= the text to the? you are reading). You should also link to the blog of the person who gave you the award & they informed by the comment in her blog that you accept the award and its hyperlink to your posts as Award. Then you are thinking about you 3-5 favorite blogs that you link in your post and also the owner of each per comment - function will inform that they have been tagged and here also the link angibst of the post, in which the declaration is. Dear blogger: The aim of this action is that we bring unknown, good blogs to light, so I would ask you not to blog items that have already been 3,000 readers, but talented beginners and people who blog but has been a while are still not as well known, however.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Stair Stepper Use Hand Weights


all I wish my readers a great start into the new year. Happiness, health and happiness and am curious what it will bring us.

I look forward to my second Blogger
years on and a new year with you and lots of great, creative ideas!
