Friday, December 31, 2010

Optiva Drops And Co0ntact Lenses

Hammered Dulcimer

I was 26 September to 18 October 2010 in America. Three weeks pretty cool, 5000 km run through the area. Our quasi base we had in Cumming, Georgia, which is north of Atlanta, right on Lake Lanier. From there we went to a star shape in all directions.

The Hammered Dulcimer is my new baby:)

I bought it at Song of the Wood and let me send as insured package to Germany then. I would buy there again any time a musical instrument, the store is just great! Thank you so much for your nice support, JoAnn!

I have chosen for the Phoenix package of Songbird, because it simply an unbeatable affordable entry-level offering is (I tried to explain the importance of JoAnn all-happy package: "all-around happy-package"). There are dulcimer with improved sound quality, but have then gone on its price. JoAnn's brother, for example, makes himself Hammered Dulcimer, these are real gems and even then cost just 3000, - $. As I begin rather small at first with 499, - $;)

ego got in the States free of tax paid, because it was sent abroad. Since then there were 130, - $ on it packaging, insurance and shipping, and then again around 85, - € fees from German customs. All in all, still damn cheap.

way, I was on location in Black Mountain, a really nice town, no comparison with the typical mishmash of urban culture in America. The shop of Song of the Wood is simply fantastic! I only know a German music store (composer Hans Hamm / Westf.), Who exudes the same flair as the store of JoAnn.

That was really cool, JoAnn told me briefly the development of the Hammered Dulcimer (there is a kind of dulcimer, mountain dulcimer looks at how a mono-chord) and pressed it directly, here are the little hammer in his hand. Since I had before me on YouTube America deals with the dulcimer, and via a short instructional video of Songbird stumbled that really explains very well the handling, I could actually play to begin immediately. That was a really great experience:)

I have to say still, there is hardly a musical instrument on which I do not hammer out a tune directly. I am so far failed to reed instruments ...

The dulcimer is now always ready to play in our bedroom. Meanwhile it has also got a screen made of material that I've sewn before Christmas, must zustauben so unnecessarily. I've also provided the cover with pockets, so that the hammers, tuning wrench, Wipes for the strings, the info sheet on the strings and the tuners are housed there always direct. In the photo above, I had the corners by hand sew together, it happened long ago, had only made no additional photo.

I can do with the iPhone through voice memo application relatively good shots. Do let's see how I can upload the music here. Otherwise I have to give it a try with videos ...


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