Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sally Hair Extensions Fredericton

St. Peter-Ording + Westerhever winter

Today only a few pictures of the icy beaches in St. Peter-Ording (sea chest at Böhler beach) and on Westerhever lighthouse.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Example Message For Baby Registry

keeps the wonderful winter weather on

A clear cold wind blowing over the snow-covered foothills of St. Peter-Ording. When the sun at noon, the thin cloud cover has dissolved, the walk to the beach for a unique winter experience.

And after the weather forecast is to the cold winter weather to continue for some time.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sheer Foundation Best


This headdress is created last week. He lives up to its name Icecrown and I once just a few photos with my iPhone made (unfortunately, the background has become a bit hotter than the foreground).

I'm up to 35 grams gelüsterte Rocaille and processed fire-polished glass cut beads from Bohemia. The base frame is formed from a corrugated zinc wire and silver wire. In each tip was first an octagonal Swarovski crystal fixed before I have strung with a thin silver wire, beads and worked at the tips. The ends of the corrugated wire are bent into hooks and released when wrapped with Viskosebast so that the crown can be fixed in a better haircut.

Hm, I have worked a total of * shock * 10-12 hours.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Heated Swimming Pools By Outside Wood Stove

Not a good start into the new year ...

is granted to me. Because the day before yesterday evening I got a flu, it really has to be. So out of the blue I got a really nasty sore throats and fever initially medium. Then the next day was really bad with really high fever, I think the last time I felt so long-lasting bad as I had in elementary school measles ...

I will not complain further, because now I am concerned lengths better but not good.

That evening, just when it came to me suddenly so bad, I started on my Renaissance garb, a photo of the white and gold bodice, which is plugged into my picture taken was several times hemp cord corset I have not, is yet to come. Then you'll have a picture of the dress design. As substances I use dark green velvet, gilt Dupion, garnished with silver Soutache, and white linen.

otherwise have I discovered the pearls hobby for me. Thus, among other things, a band emerged from Rocaille, a not-ready-Dryad Necklace and individual segments for a purple and gold necklace. become very great are my Rocaille taken with precious stones, in blue river with various silver and purple beads, and antique gold and black labradorite.

I was thrown directly into the full and added myself tons of beads. I am with something like that but also think that you can throw the light of such amounts on his dream home, and do not enter the same teeth-gnashing must compromise.